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TOTAL S.A. market cap

TOTAL S.A. volume of trade today and historical data of TOTAL S.A. capitalization since start date of trade of TOT stocks.

TOTAL S.A. capitalization

Today's market capitalization for TOTAL S.A. is 128 613 851 136 US dollar.
+1 004 363 776 $ (+0.79%)
change of capitalization since yesterday

TOTAL S.A. market capitalization in dollars today. TOTAL S.A. capitalization is updated once a day. Our website takes information of TOTAL S.A. capitalization for today from open sources. TOTAL S.A., capitalization - 128 613 851 136 US dollars.

TOTAL S.A. volume of trade

Today's TOTAL S.A. volume of trade is 178 634 US dollar.
-3 441 775 $ (-95.07%)
change of volume of trade since yesterday

TOTAL S.A. trading takes place on various stock quote exchanges. The daily chart of the TOTAL S.A. trading volume is presented on our website. TOTAL S.A. trading in real time helds on most stock quote exchanges, our website shows the daily trading volume of TOTAL S.A.. TOTAL S.A. market cap increased by $ 1 004 363 776.

TOTAL S.A. market cap chart

TOTAL S.A. capitalization on a graph by years. 1.15% - a change in the market capitalization of TOTAL S.A. per week. 0% per month - a change in the market capitalization of TOTAL S.A.. TOTAL S.A. capitalization has increased compared to yesterday.

TOTAL S.A. capitalization history

Date Capitalization
Market capitalization (market cap) is the market value of a publicly traded company's outstanding shares. Market capitalization is equal to the share price multiplied by the number of shares outstanding.
10/06/2021 128 613 851 136 $
09/06/2021 127 609 487 360 $
08/06/2021 126 852 448 256 $
07/06/2021 125 751 074 816 $
04/06/2021 127 351 513 088 $
03/06/2021 127 269 445 632 $
02/06/2021 127 145 566 208 $

TOTAL S.A. volume history data

Date Volume (24h)
Volume of trade of TOTAL S.A. - total sum in US dollars for all deals with TOT stocks bought and sold during selected date.
10/06/2021 178 634 $
09/06/2021 3 620 409 $
08/06/2021 1 005 267 $
07/06/2021 633 054 $
04/06/2021 1 218 871 $
03/06/2021 1 270 718 $
02/06/2021 1 282 265 $

TOTAL S.A. capitalization in US dollars today 10/06/2021. TOTAL S.A. market capitalization is $ 127 609 487 360 at 09/06/2021. The market capitalization of TOTAL S.A. amounted to 126 852 448 256 US dollars at 08/06/2021. TOTAL S.A. capitalization at 07/06/2021 is equal to 125 751 074 816 US dollars.

TOTAL S.A. capitalization amounted to 127 351 513 088 US dollars at 04/06/2021. TOTAL S.A. capitalization at 03/06/2021 amounted to 127 269 445 632 US dollars. The market capitalization of TOTAL S.A. amounted to 127 145 566 208 US dollars at 02/06/2021.

TOTAL S.A. capitalization is 128 613 851 136 $ now. Market capitalization of TOTAL S.A. changed by +0.79% since yesterday. Today's volume of trade of TOT stocks was 178 634 $. TOT volume of trade amount changed to -95.0659% since yesterday.