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GEORGE WESTON LIMITED PREF SER financial reports, GEORGE WESTON LIMITED PREF SER annual revenue in 2024. When does GEORGE WESTON LIMITED PREF SER report revenue?

GEORGE WESTON LIMITED PREF SER total revenue, net income and dynamics of changes in Canadian dollar today

GEORGE WESTON LIMITED PREF SER revenue for the past few reporting periods. GEORGE WESTON LIMITED PREF SER net revenue for today is 12 931 000 000 $. The dynamics of GEORGE WESTON LIMITED PREF SER net income went up. The change was 170 000 000 $. Graph of the financial report of GEORGE WESTON LIMITED PREF SER . The financial report chart shows the values from 31/12/2018 to 19/06/2021. The value of the "total revenue of GEORGE WESTON LIMITED PREF SER " on the chart is marked in yellow.

Report date Total revenue
Total revenue refers to the total receipts from sales of a given quantity of goods or services. It is the total income of a business and is calculated by multiplying the quantity of goods sold by the price of the goods.
Net income
Net income is an entity's income minus cost of goods sold, expenses and taxes for an accounting period.
19/06/2021 17 645 487 428 $ 161 021 384 $
27/03/2021 16 855 390 976 $ -70 958 576 $ -
31/12/2020 18 839 501 928 $ 408 011 812 $
03/10/2020 22 118 606 892 $ 432 574 396 $
05/10/2019 20 777 216 888 $ 113 260 804 $
15/06/2019 15 833 314 564 $ 264 730 072 $
23/03/2019 15 246 541 724 $ -652 273 064 $
31/12/2018 15 988 877 596 $ 383 449 228 $
GEORGE WESTON LIMITED PREF SER financial report charts

GEORGE WESTON LIMITED PREF SER quarterly report dates

Cost of revenue GEORGE WESTON LIMITED PREF SER  is the total cost of producing and distributing of products and services of a company. Cost of revenue GEORGE WESTON LIMITED PREF SER is 8 707 000 000 $ Total revenue GEORGE WESTON LIMITED PREF SER refers to the total receipts from sales of a given quantity of goods or services. It is the total income of a business and is calculated by multiplying the quantity of goods sold by the price of the goods. Total revenue GEORGE WESTON LIMITED PREF SER is 12 931 000 000 $ Operating income GEORGE WESTON LIMITED PREF SER  is an accounting figure that measures the amount of profit realized from a business's operations, after deducting operating expenses such as wages, depreciation and cost of goods sold (COGS). Operating income GEORGE WESTON LIMITED PREF SER is 1 054 000 000 $

Net income GEORGE WESTON LIMITED PREF SER  is an entity's income minus cost of goods sold, expenses and taxes for an accounting period. Net income GEORGE WESTON LIMITED PREF SER is 118 000 000 $ Current assets GEORGE WESTON LIMITED PREF SER  is a balance sheet item that represents the value of all assets that can reasonably expect to be converted into cash within one year. Current assets GEORGE WESTON LIMITED PREF SER is 13 401 000 000 $ Total assets GEORGE WESTON LIMITED PREF SER  refers to the total amount of assets owned by a person or entity. Total assets GEORGE WESTON LIMITED PREF SER is 47 946 000 000 $

19/06/2021 27/03/2021 31/12/2020 03/10/2020 05/10/2019 15/06/2019 23/03/2019 31/12/2018
Gross profit
Gross profit is the profit a company makes after deducting the costs of making and selling its products, or the costs of providing its services.
5 764 019 712 $ 5 411 956 008 $ 5 885 468 044 $ 6 817 481 648 $ 6 522 730 640 $ 5 089 913 240 $ 4 851 110 340 $ 5 076 267 360 $
Cost of revenue
Cost of revenue is the total cost of producing and distributing of products and services of a company.
11 881 467 716 $ 11 443 434 968 $ 12 954 033 884 $ 15 301 125 244 $ 14 254 486 248 $ 10 743 401 324 $ 10 395 431 384 $ 10 912 610 236 $
Total revenue
Total revenue refers to the total receipts from sales of a given quantity of goods or services. It is the total income of a business and is calculated by multiplying the quantity of goods sold by the price of the goods.
17 645 487 428 $ 16 855 390 976 $ 18 839 501 928 $ 22 118 606 892 $ 20 777 216 888 $ 15 833 314 564 $ 15 246 541 724 $ 15 988 877 596 $
Operating revenue
Operating revenue is revenue generated from a company's primary business activities. For example, a retailer produces revenue through merchandise sales, and a physician derives revenue from the medical services he/she provides.
- - - - - - - -
Operating income
Operating income is an accounting figure that measures the amount of profit realized from a business's operations, after deducting operating expenses such as wages, depreciation and cost of goods sold (COGS).
1 438 275 752 $ 1 129 878 864 $ 1 264 973 076 $ 1 337 296 240 $ 1 202 202 028 $ 1 048 003 584 $ 796 919 392 $ 1 046 638 996 $
Net income
Net income is an entity's income minus cost of goods sold, expenses and taxes for an accounting period.
161 021 384 $ -70 958 576 $ 408 011 812 $ 432 574 396 $ 113 260 804 $ 264 730 072 $ -652 273 064 $ 383 449 228 $
R&D spending
Research and Development spending - cost of investigative activities to improve existing products and procedures or to lead to the development of new products and procedures.
- - - - - - - -
Operating expense
An operating expense is an expenditure that a business incurs as a result of performing its normal business operations.
16 207 211 676 $ 15 725 512 112 $ 17 574 528 852 $ 20 781 310 652 $ 19 575 014 860 $ 14 785 310 980 $ 14 449 622 332 $ 14 942 238 600 $
Current assets
Current assets is a balance sheet item that represents the value of all assets that can reasonably expect to be converted into cash within one year.
18 286 843 788 $ 17 652 310 368 $ 18 086 249 352 $ 17 951 155 140 $ 16 156 721 920 $ 16 096 680 048 $ 15 137 374 684 $ 16 177 190 740 $
Total assets
Total assets refers to the total amount of assets owned by a person or entity.
65 426 536 248 $ 64 869 784 344 $ 65 602 568 100 $ 65 273 702 392 $ 63 774 020 180 $ 64 100 156 712 $ 63 292 320 616 $ 59 788 058 632 $
Current cash
Current cash - the sum of all of the cash a company has on the date of report.
3 814 023 460 $ 3 857 690 276 $ 3 522 001 628 $ 3 324 136 368 $ 2 040 059 060 $ 2 610 456 844 $ 1 840 829 212 $ 2 075 538 348 $
Current debt
Current debt is the portion of debt due within a year (12 months) and is listed as a current liability and part of net working capital.
- - - - 13 300 639 236 $ 12 730 241 452 $ 12 556 938 776 $ 13 105 503 152 $
Total cash
Total cash - the sum of all of the cash a company has on its books, including petty cash and funds on deposit in a bank.
- - - - - - - -
Total debt
Total debt is a combination of both short-term and long-term debt. Short-term debts are those that must be paid back within a year. Long-term debt generally includes every liability that must be paid off in more than a year.
- - - - 46 154 459 924 $ 46 277 272 844 $ 45 476 259 688 $ 40 405 450 680 $
Debt ratio
Total debt to total assets - is a financial ratio that indicates the percentage of a company's assets that are provided via debt.
- - - - 72.37 % 72.20 % 71.85 % 67.58 %
Shareholders equity
Shareholder's equity (SE) is the owner's claim after subtracting total liabilities from total assets.
8 804 321 776 $ 9 200 052 296 $ 9 543 928 472 $ 9 601 241 168 $ 8 857 540 708 $ 8 965 343 160 $ 8 888 926 232 $ 9 856 419 124 $
Cash flow
Cash flow is the net amount of cash and cash-equivalents being transferred into and out of a business.
- - - - 1 436 911 164 $ 1 532 432 324 $ 1 510 598 916 $ 620 887 540 $

Last revenue report of GEORGE WESTON LIMITED PREF SER was 19/06/2021. According to last financial report total revenue in GEORGE WESTON LIMITED PREF SER was 17 645 487 428 Canadian dollar and changed by +11.45% since last year. Net income in GEORGE WESTON LIMITED PREF SER was 161 021 384 $ in last quartal, net income changes to -39.175%.

Current cash GEORGE WESTON LIMITED PREF SER - the sum of all of the cash a company has on the date of report. Current cash GEORGE WESTON LIMITED PREF SER is 2 795 000 000 $