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Telefônica Brasil S.A. revenue reports

Telefônica Brasil S.A. financial reports, Telefônica Brasil S.A. annual revenue in 2024. When does Telefônica Brasil S.A. report revenue?

Telefônica Brasil S.A. total revenue, net income and dynamics of changes in Brazilian real today

Net income Telefônica Brasil S.A. - 1 274 254 000 R$. Information about net income is used from open sources. The dynamics of net income of Telefônica Brasil S.A. has changed by 309 141 000 R$ in recent years. Net income, revenue and dynamics - the main financial indicators of Telefônica Brasil S.A.. Schedule of the financial report of Telefônica Brasil S.A. for today. Telefônica Brasil S.A. financial report on a graph in real time displays the dynamics, i.e. change in fixed assets of the company. The value of Telefônica Brasil S.A. assets on the online chart is displayed in green bars.

Report date Total revenue
Total revenue refers to the total receipts from sales of a given quantity of goods or services. It is the total income of a business and is calculated by multiplying the quantity of goods sold by the price of the goods.
Net income
Net income is an entity's income minus cost of goods sold, expenses and taxes for an accounting period.
31/12/2019 11 376 855 000 R$ 1 274 254 000 R$
30/09/2019 11 046 748 000 R$ 965 113 000 R$
30/06/2019 10 869 832 000 R$ 1 419 505 000 R$
31/03/2019 10 974 736 000 R$ 1 342 142 000 R$
Telefônica Brasil S.A. financial report charts

Telefônica Brasil S.A. quarterly report dates

Cost of revenue Telefônica Brasil S.A. is the total cost of producing and distributing of products and services of a company. Cost of revenue Telefônica Brasil S.A. is 5 434 791 000 R$ Total revenue Telefônica Brasil S.A. refers to the total receipts from sales of a given quantity of goods or services. It is the total income of a business and is calculated by multiplying the quantity of goods sold by the price of the goods. Total revenue Telefônica Brasil S.A. is 11 376 855 000 R$ Operating revenue Telefônica Brasil S.A. is revenue generated from a company's primary business activities. For example, a retailer produces revenue through merchandise sales, and a physician derives revenue from the medical services he/she provides. Operating revenue Telefônica Brasil S.A. is 11 376 855 000 R$

Operating income Telefônica Brasil S.A. is an accounting figure that measures the amount of profit realized from a business's operations, after deducting operating expenses such as wages, depreciation and cost of goods sold (COGS). Operating income Telefônica Brasil S.A. is 1 937 512 000 R$ Net income Telefônica Brasil S.A. is an entity's income minus cost of goods sold, expenses and taxes for an accounting period. Net income Telefônica Brasil S.A. is 1 274 254 000 R$ Current assets Telefônica Brasil S.A. is a balance sheet item that represents the value of all assets that can reasonably expect to be converted into cash within one year. Current assets Telefônica Brasil S.A. is 18 644 678 000 R$

31/12/2019 30/09/2019 30/06/2019 31/03/2019
Gross profit
Gross profit is the profit a company makes after deducting the costs of making and selling its products, or the costs of providing its services.
5 942 064 000 R$ 5 969 137 000 R$ 5 851 329 000 R$ 5 943 760 000 R$
Cost of revenue
Cost of revenue is the total cost of producing and distributing of products and services of a company.
5 434 791 000 R$ 5 077 611 000 R$ 5 018 503 000 R$ 5 030 976 000 R$
Total revenue
Total revenue refers to the total receipts from sales of a given quantity of goods or services. It is the total income of a business and is calculated by multiplying the quantity of goods sold by the price of the goods.
11 376 855 000 R$ 11 046 748 000 R$ 10 869 832 000 R$ 10 974 736 000 R$
Operating revenue
Operating revenue is revenue generated from a company's primary business activities. For example, a retailer produces revenue through merchandise sales, and a physician derives revenue from the medical services he/she provides.
11 376 855 000 R$ 11 046 748 000 R$ 10 869 832 000 R$ 10 974 736 000 R$
Operating income
Operating income is an accounting figure that measures the amount of profit realized from a business's operations, after deducting operating expenses such as wages, depreciation and cost of goods sold (COGS).
1 937 512 000 R$ 1 811 722 000 R$ 1 792 063 000 R$ 1 889 947 000 R$
Net income
Net income is an entity's income minus cost of goods sold, expenses and taxes for an accounting period.
1 274 254 000 R$ 965 113 000 R$ 1 419 505 000 R$ 1 342 142 000 R$
R&D spending
Research and Development spending - cost of investigative activities to improve existing products and procedures or to lead to the development of new products and procedures.
- - - -
Operating expense
An operating expense is an expenditure that a business incurs as a result of performing its normal business operations.
9 439 343 000 R$ 9 235 026 000 R$ 9 077 769 000 R$ 9 084 789 000 R$
Current assets
Current assets is a balance sheet item that represents the value of all assets that can reasonably expect to be converted into cash within one year.
18 644 678 000 R$ 20 720 846 000 R$ 22 760 300 000 R$ 20 212 633 000 R$
Total assets
Total assets refers to the total amount of assets owned by a person or entity.
108 289 722 000 R$ 110 683 780 000 R$ 113 061 210 000 R$ 111 039 999 000 R$
Current cash
Current cash - the sum of all of the cash a company has on the date of report.
3 393 377 000 R$ 4 548 256 000 R$ 5 858 018 000 R$ 4 074 843 000 R$
Current debt
Current debt is the portion of debt due within a year (12 months) and is listed as a current liability and part of net working capital.
17 732 088 000 R$ 19 016 360 000 R$ 22 244 132 000 R$ 17 951 844 000 R$
Total cash
Total cash - the sum of all of the cash a company has on its books, including petty cash and funds on deposit in a bank.
- - - -
Total debt
Total debt is a combination of both short-term and long-term debt. Short-term debts are those that must be paid back within a year. Long-term debt generally includes every liability that must be paid off in more than a year.
37 834 144 000 R$ 40 071 518 000 R$ 43 395 086 000 R$ 38 792 303 000 R$
Debt ratio
Total debt to total assets - is a financial ratio that indicates the percentage of a company's assets that are provided via debt.
34.94 % 36.20 % 38.38 % 34.94 %
Shareholders equity
Shareholder's equity (SE) is the owner's claim after subtracting total liabilities from total assets.
70 455 578 000 R$ 70 612 262 000 R$ 69 666 124 000 R$ 72 247 696 000 R$
Cash flow
Cash flow is the net amount of cash and cash-equivalents being transferred into and out of a business.
4 910 154 000 R$ 4 788 135 000 R$ 4 506 308 000 R$ 3 516 599 000 R$

Last revenue report of Telefônica Brasil S.A. was 31/12/2019. According to last financial report total revenue in Telefônica Brasil S.A. was 11 376 855 000 Brazilian real and changed by 0% since last year. Net income in Telefônica Brasil S.A. was 1 274 254 000 R$ in last quartal, net income changes to 0%.

Total assets Telefônica Brasil S.A. refers to the total amount of assets owned by a person or entity. Total assets Telefônica Brasil S.A. is 108 289 722 000 R$ Current cash Telefônica Brasil S.A. - the sum of all of the cash a company has on the date of report. Current cash Telefônica Brasil S.A. is 3 393 377 000 R$ Current debt Telefônica Brasil S.A. is the portion of debt due within a year (12 months) and is listed as a current liability and part of net working capital. Current debt Telefônica Brasil S.A. is 17 732 088 000 R$