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TWEKA.AS live price

TKH Group N.V. stock price real-time, TWEKA.AS stock live, TWEKA.AS live market watch.
TKH Group N.V. stock today at May 06, 2024, 13:11

TWEKA.AS = 38.84 EUR
Refresh: TWEKA.AS live price

Last trading price for TWEKA.AS stocks is 38.84 EUR on Amsterdam Exchange stock exchange traded at 21/06/2022 16:30. Closing price of TKH Group N.V. stocks was Euro. Opening price for stocks of TKH Group N.V. was 39.32 Euro at 21/06/2022 08:00. Highest price of TWEKA.AS stock was 39.86 €. Lowest price of TWEKA.AS stock was 38.68 €. provide the information of stock price of TKH Group N.V. in Euro. Stock price updating every 30 seconds. Fast time of TKH Group N.V. stock price in Euro. Online stock price change per minute, hour, week, month.

On our website you can find a chart of TKH Group N.V. stock price in Euro on May 06, 2024. The chart of TKH Group N.V. stock price in Euro at the top is made to make it convenient for you to watch the price changes. Hover over the graph to see the exact stock price for the selected time. The stock price graph automatically changes every 30 seconds.

Every minute we trace the TKH Group N.V. stock price in Euro. The dynamics of the stock price of TKH Group N.V. (TWEKA.AS) in Euro at this minute is - 0.0400009 EUR. The table shows the stock price of TKH Group N.V. in Euro every minute. Convenient posting of information at the minute stock quote on the site.

Stock price history every hour. The change in the stock price of TKH Group N.V. (TWEKA.AS) in Euro at this hour is - -0.02000046 EUR. 10 hour history of stock price of TKH Group N.V. in Euro from in the table on the page. Convenient posting of information at the hour quotation on the site.