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Swedish Match AB (publ) market cap

Swedish Match AB (publ) volume of trade today and historical data of Swedish Match AB (publ) capitalization since start date of trade of SWMA.ST stocks.

Swedish Match AB (publ) capitalization

Today's market capitalization for Swedish Match AB (publ) is 172 676 628 480 Swedish krona.
+76 038 144 kr (+0.044%)
change of capitalization since yesterday

Swedish Match AB (publ) market capitalization is the sum of all Swedish Match AB (publ) stock quotes issued. Swedish Match AB (publ) capitalization is open information. Based on the trading of stock quote Swedish Match AB (publ) on stock exchange market, you can evaluate the capitalization of Swedish Match AB (publ). Swedish Match AB (publ), capitalization - 172 676 628 480 US dollars.

Swedish Match AB (publ) volume of trade

Today's Swedish Match AB (publ) volume of trade is 323 730 Swedish krona.
+224 517 kr (+226.30%)
change of volume of trade since yesterday

Swedish Match AB (publ) trading volumes today totaled $ 323 730. Swedish Match AB (publ) trading takes place on various stock quote exchanges. Swedish Match AB (publ) trading volume chart is presented on the website daily. Swedish Match AB (publ) capitalization has increased compared to yesterday.

Swedish Match AB (publ) market cap chart

Swedish Match AB (publ) capitalization on a graph by years. 0.04% per week - a change in the market capitalization of Swedish Match AB (publ). Over the month, Swedish Match AB (publ) capitalization has changed by 0%. Swedish Match AB (publ), capitalization now - 172 676 628 480 US dollars.

Swedish Match AB (publ) capitalization history

Date Capitalization
Market capitalization (market cap) is the market value of a publicly traded company's outstanding shares. Market capitalization is equal to the share price multiplied by the number of shares outstanding.
30/12/2022 172 676 628 480 kr
29/12/2022 172 600 590 336 kr
28/12/2022 172 600 590 336 kr
27/12/2022 172 676 628 480 kr
23/12/2022 172 600 590 336 kr
22/12/2022 172 600 590 336 kr
21/12/2022 172 600 590 336 kr

Swedish Match AB (publ) volume history data

Date Volume (24h)
Volume of trade of Swedish Match AB (publ) - total sum in US dollars for all deals with SWMA.ST stocks bought and sold during selected date.
30/12/2022 323 730 kr
29/12/2022 99 213 kr
28/12/2022 269 280 kr
27/12/2022 734 462 kr
23/12/2022 1 043 557 kr
22/12/2022 999 503 kr
21/12/2022 825 798 kr

30/12/2022 Swedish Match AB (publ) capitalization amounted to 172 676 628 480 US dollars. 29/12/2022 Swedish Match AB (publ) capitalization is equal to 172 600 590 336 US dollars. On 28/12/2022, Swedish Match AB (publ) market capitalization was $ 172 600 590 336. Swedish Match AB (publ) capitalization at 27/12/2022 amounted to 172 676 628 480 US dollars.

Swedish Match AB (publ) capitalization at 23/12/2022 amounted to 172 600 590 336 US dollars. Swedish Match AB (publ) market capitalization is $ 172 600 590 336 at 22/12/2022. Swedish Match AB (publ) market capitalization at 21/12/2022 is equal to 172 600 590 336 US dollars.

Swedish Match AB (publ) capitalization is 172 676 628 480 kr now. Market capitalization of Swedish Match AB (publ) changed by +0.044% since yesterday. Today's volume of trade of SWMA.ST stocks was 323 730 kr. SWMA.ST volume of trade amount changed to +226.3% since yesterday.