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Shree Digvijay Cement Company Limited revenue reports

Shree Digvijay Cement Company Limited financial reports, Shree Digvijay Cement Company Limited annual revenue in 2024. When does Shree Digvijay Cement Company Limited report revenue?

Shree Digvijay Cement Company Limited total revenue, net income and dynamics of changes in Indian rupee today

Net revenue of Shree Digvijay Cement Company Limited on 30/06/2020 amounted to 874 962 000 Rs. Net income Shree Digvijay Cement Company Limited - 99 804 000 Rs. Information about net income is used from open sources. Here are the main financial indicators of Shree Digvijay Cement Company Limited. The financial report chart on our website displays information by dates from 31/03/2019 to 30/06/2020. Shree Digvijay Cement Company Limited financial report on a graph in real time displays the dynamics, i.e. change in fixed assets of the company. The value of the "total revenue of Shree Digvijay Cement Company Limited" on the chart is marked in yellow.

Report date Total revenue
Total revenue refers to the total receipts from sales of a given quantity of goods or services. It is the total income of a business and is calculated by multiplying the quantity of goods sold by the price of the goods.
Net income
Net income is an entity's income minus cost of goods sold, expenses and taxes for an accounting period.
30/06/2020 72 977 638 797.76 Rs 8 324 316 098.95 Rs
31/03/2020 110 297 855 564.22 Rs 19 328 153 850.29 Rs -
31/12/2019 101 433 147 857.66 Rs 7 877 256 519.27 Rs
30/09/2019 81 475 357 297.11 Rs 7 197 158 793.02 Rs
30/06/2019 98 678 393 417.80 Rs 12 677 808 976 Rs
31/03/2019 90 638 243 734.51 Rs -1 875 731 881.98 Rs
Shree Digvijay Cement Company Limited financial report charts

Shree Digvijay Cement Company Limited quarterly report dates

Cost of revenue Shree Digvijay Cement Company Limited is the total cost of producing and distributing of products and services of a company. Cost of revenue Shree Digvijay Cement Company Limited is 346 612 000 Rs Total revenue Shree Digvijay Cement Company Limited refers to the total receipts from sales of a given quantity of goods or services. It is the total income of a business and is calculated by multiplying the quantity of goods sold by the price of the goods. Total revenue Shree Digvijay Cement Company Limited is 874 962 000 Rs Operating income Shree Digvijay Cement Company Limited is an accounting figure that measures the amount of profit realized from a business's operations, after deducting operating expenses such as wages, depreciation and cost of goods sold (COGS). Operating income Shree Digvijay Cement Company Limited is 143 771 000 Rs

Net income Shree Digvijay Cement Company Limited is an entity's income minus cost of goods sold, expenses and taxes for an accounting period. Net income Shree Digvijay Cement Company Limited is 99 804 000 Rs

30/06/2020 31/03/2020 31/12/2019 30/09/2019 30/06/2019 31/03/2019
Gross profit
Gross profit is the profit a company makes after deducting the costs of making and selling its products, or the costs of providing its services.
44 067 897 187.30 Rs 54 003 796 345.69 Rs 49 459 469 080.90 Rs 41 407 308 841.74 Rs 53 421 951 639 Rs 26 508 547 909.07 Rs
Cost of revenue
Cost of revenue is the total cost of producing and distributing of products and services of a company.
28 909 741 610.46 Rs 56 294 059 218.53 Rs 51 973 678 776.77 Rs 40 068 048 455.37 Rs 45 256 441 778.80 Rs 64 129 695 825.44 Rs
Total revenue
Total revenue refers to the total receipts from sales of a given quantity of goods or services. It is the total income of a business and is calculated by multiplying the quantity of goods sold by the price of the goods.
72 977 638 797.76 Rs 110 297 855 564.22 Rs 101 433 147 857.66 Rs 81 475 357 297.11 Rs 98 678 393 417.80 Rs 90 638 243 734.51 Rs
Operating revenue
Operating revenue is revenue generated from a company's primary business activities. For example, a retailer produces revenue through merchandise sales, and a physician derives revenue from the medical services he/she provides.
- - - - - -
Operating income
Operating income is an accounting figure that measures the amount of profit realized from a business's operations, after deducting operating expenses such as wages, depreciation and cost of goods sold (COGS).
11 991 455 751.90 Rs 23 815 681 194.61 Rs 11 070 062 621.91 Rs 9 774 507 313.86 Rs 18 824 878 196.60 Rs -2 534 560 915.54 Rs
Net income
Net income is an entity's income minus cost of goods sold, expenses and taxes for an accounting period.
8 324 316 098.95 Rs 19 328 153 850.29 Rs 7 877 256 519.27 Rs 7 197 158 793.02 Rs 12 677 808 976 Rs -1 875 731 881.98 Rs
R&D spending
Research and Development spending - cost of investigative activities to improve existing products and procedures or to lead to the development of new products and procedures.
- - - - - -
Operating expense
An operating expense is an expenditure that a business incurs as a result of performing its normal business operations.
60 986 183 045.86 Rs 86 482 174 369.61 Rs 90 363 085 235.75 Rs 71 700 849 983.25 Rs 79 853 515 221.20 Rs 93 172 804 650.06 Rs
Current assets
Current assets is a balance sheet item that represents the value of all assets that can reasonably expect to be converted into cash within one year.
- 129 177 448 515.35 Rs - 80 725 698 434.77 Rs - 94 034 228 407.32 Rs
Total assets
Total assets refers to the total amount of assets owned by a person or entity.
- 316 774 157 385.46 Rs - 272 757 555 280.53 Rs - 300 212 518 310.99 Rs
Current cash
Current cash - the sum of all of the cash a company has on the date of report.
- 435 966 496.83 Rs - 16 059 864 740.26 Rs - 30 020 718 028.62 Rs
Current debt
Current debt is the portion of debt due within a year (12 months) and is listed as a current liability and part of net working capital.
- - - 60 290 738 498.21 Rs - 108 928 985 821.36 Rs
Total cash
Total cash - the sum of all of the cash a company has on its books, including petty cash and funds on deposit in a bank.
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Total debt
Total debt is a combination of both short-term and long-term debt. Short-term debts are those that must be paid back within a year. Long-term debt generally includes every liability that must be paid off in more than a year.
- - - 69 777 576 317.61 Rs - 116 954 038 903.17 Rs
Debt ratio
Total debt to total assets - is a financial ratio that indicates the percentage of a company's assets that are provided via debt.
- - - 25.58 % - 38.96 %
Shareholders equity
Shareholder's equity (SE) is the owner's claim after subtracting total liabilities from total assets.
230 536 114 245.28 Rs 230 536 114 245.28 Rs 202 979 978 962.92 Rs 202 979 978 962.92 Rs 183 258 479 407.82 Rs 183 258 479 407.82 Rs
Cash flow
Cash flow is the net amount of cash and cash-equivalents being transferred into and out of a business.
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Last revenue report of Shree Digvijay Cement Company Limited was 30/06/2020. According to last financial report total revenue in Shree Digvijay Cement Company Limited was 72 977 638 797.76 Indian rupee and changed by -26.045% since last year. Net income in Shree Digvijay Cement Company Limited was 8 324 316 098.95 Rs in last quartal, net income changes to -34.339%.