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Sunstone Hotel Investors, Inc. earnings schedule

Sunstone Hotel Investors, Inc. quarterly earnings, SHO earnings report for 2024. When does Sunstone Hotel Investors, Inc. report earnings?

When does Sunstone Hotel Investors, Inc. report earnings?

Sunstone Hotel Investors, Inc. reports earnings every quartal, last Sunstone Hotel Investors, Inc. earnings report date was 31/03/2021.

How much is Sunstone Hotel Investors, Inc. earnings per share?

Sunstone Hotel Investors, Inc. estimated earnings per share was -0.26 $ last time.

When is Sunstone Hotel Investors, Inc. next earnings report?

Next Sunstone Hotel Investors, Inc. earnings call will be in June 2024.

Sunstone Hotel Investors, Inc. earnings per share - the financial characteristics of the company on the size of its value. Earnings per share is calculated simply - all the company's profit for the reporting financial period divided by the number of shares. It is clear that Sunstone Hotel Investors, Inc. earnings per share is a financial characteristic for a certain period. Profit of Sunstone Hotel Investors, Inc. - total profit for the reporting financial period.

Sunstone Hotel Investors, Inc. earnings report

Sunstone Hotel Investors, Inc. quarterly earnings

Earnings per share Sunstone Hotel Investors, Inc. is calculated by dividing net income by the number of shares in the company. Earnings per share of Sunstone Hotel Investors, Inc. is determined for a fixed financial period and corresponds to the outputs of the financial statements on the company's profit. Sunstone Hotel Investors, Inc. earnings per share for the last reporting period can be found in our table (the top row) or graph (the rightmost column). Quarterly profit Sunstone Hotel Investors, Inc. is the main type of financial statements among companies.

SHO earnings date Estimated EPS
A company's earnings per share, or EPS, is calculated by dividing net income (or profits) to the number of company's shares.
Change for a year %
31/03/2021 -0.26 USD -
31/12/2020 -0.19 USD -
30/09/2020 -0.43 USD -458.333% ↓
30/06/2020 -0.55 USD -405.556% ↓
30/09/2019 0.12 USD -188.125% ↓
30/06/2019 0.18 USD -20.831% ↓
31/03/2019 0.05 USD +150% ↑
31/12/2018 0.32 USD +43.47% ↑
30/09/2018 0.38 USD +174.41% ↑
30/06/2018 0.2 USD +1.75% ↑
31/03/2018 0.15 USD -1389.58% ↓
31/12/2017 0.07 USD +27.78% ↑
30/09/2017 0.17 USD -3.175% ↓
30/06/2017 0.21 USD +4.4% ↑
31/03/2017 0.27 USD +1 389.580% ↑
31/12/2016 0.14 USD -35.667% ↓
30/09/2016 0.16 USD -17.0769% ↓
30/06/2016 0.18 USD -19.121% ↓
31/03/2016 -0.02 USD -360.87% ↓
31/12/2015 0.09 USD +21.49% ↑
30/09/2015 0.2 USD +38.36% ↑
30/06/2015 0.23 USD +22.14% ↑
31/03/2015 0.01 USD -92.333% ↓
31/12/2014 0.05 USD +101.02% ↑
30/09/2014 0.14 USD +66.67% ↑
30/06/2014 0.22 USD +97.22% ↑
31/03/2014 -0.04 USD -41.463% ↓
31/12/2013 0.01 USD -322.2% ↓
30/09/2013 0.07 USD -257.143% ↓
30/06/2013 0.09 USD +87.5% ↑
31/03/2013 0.12 USD -46.0526% ↓
31/12/2012 0.03 USD -81.25% ↓
30/09/2012 -0.07 USD -58% ↓
30/06/2012 0.03 USD +1 820% ↑
31/03/2012 -0.18 USD -50.879% ↓
31/12/2011 -0.01 USD -25% ↓
30/09/2011 -0.11 USD -15% ↓
30/06/2011 0.26 USD -700% ↓
31/03/2011 0.39 USD -61.113% ↓
31/12/2010 0.28 USD -89.189% ↓
30/09/2010 0.19 USD -57.5% ↓
30/06/2010 -0.05 USD -109.302% ↓
31/03/2010 -0.27 USD -36% ↓
31/12/2009 -1.45 USD -97.598% ↓
30/09/2009 -0.31 USD -145% ↓
30/06/2009 -2.23 USD -281.395% ↓
31/03/2009 0.02 USD -81.333% ↓
31/12/2008 -0.24 USD -2875.69% ↓
30/09/2008 0.11 USD -66.667% ↓
30/06/2008 1.05 USD +46.62% ↑
31/03/2008 -0.07 USD -47.614% ↓
31/12/2007 0.34 USD +322.86% ↑
30/09/2007 0.19 USD -33.333% ↓
30/06/2007 0.22 USD +3.64% ↑
31/03/2007 -0.01 USD -79.998% ↓
31/12/2006 0.11 USD -71.429% ↓
30/09/2006 -0.06 USD +25% ↑
30/06/2006 0.29 USD +55.56% ↑
31/03/2006 0.25 USD -
31/12/2005 0.16 USD -
30/09/2005 0.09 USD -
30/06/2005 0.17 USD -

Sunstone Hotel Investors, Inc. quarterly earnings per share is a measure of the company's profitability. But it is less demanded than the profit for the year on one share. Last quarterly profit Sunstone Hotel Investors, Inc. is now considered to be quarterly profit for the last closed fiscal quarter of this year. The change in profit of Sunstone Hotel Investors, Inc. for the year is calculated in comparison with the same financial period as the current indicator only for the previous year. A change in Sunstone Hotel Investors, Inc. quarterly profit for the year is not so important as a change in Sunstone Hotel Investors, Inc. annual profit compared to last year.

For convenience of perception and analysis, we publish the change in profit as a percentage. The profit history of Sunstone Hotel Investors, Inc. for previous years is given in our table “Quarterly profit”. Sunstone Hotel Investors, Inc. quarterly earnings history database is visible online over the past decade. Sunstone Hotel Investors, Inc. online profit database for past time intervals is compiled from verified official sources throughout the entire time.