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SUN HUNG K.CO.LTD dividend

SHK.MU dividend dates, history of SUN HUNG K.CO.LTD annual dividend yield in 2024. Does SUN HUNG K.CO.LTD pay dividends? How often does SUN HUNG K.CO.LTD pay dividends?

When does SUN HUNG K.CO.LTD pay dividends?

SUN HUNG K.CO.LTD pay dividend 2 times in a year, last SHK.MU dividend payment date was 29/08/2019.

How much dividend does SUN HUNG K.CO.LTD pay?

SUN HUNG K.CO.LTD paid 0.12 € per share last time and trailing annual dividend yield is 70.18 %.

When is SUN HUNG K.CO.LTD next dividend date?

Next SUN HUNG K.CO.LTD dividend payout will be in June 2024.

Dividends SUN HUNG K.CO.LTD is an online service of the project, showing all the information on dividends of SUN HUNG K.CO.LTD. Dividends on shares of SUN HUNG K.CO.LTD - the main income, which shows the effectiveness of investing money in shares of this company. The site service collects and stores the dividend payment history of SUN HUNG K.CO.LTD. The history of dividends received by SUN HUNG K.CO.LTD shareholders is shown in a chart with columns.

SUN HUNG K.CO.LTD dividend history

SUN HUNG K.CO.LTD dividend dates

SUN HUNG K.CO.LTD dividend table contains more information than the schedule on dividend payment dates. Each line of the dividend payment table corresponds to its payment date. You can see the latest dividend payment date for SUN HUNG K.CO.LTD at the very top of the table. The second column of the dividend table shows the amount of payment for the corresponding date.

SHK.MU payment date Payout
Payout sum for one stock share.
Dividend yield
Dividend yield is the ratio of the annual dividend per share to the share price.
29/08/2019 0.12 EUR 70.18%
05/06/2019 0.14 EUR 75.88%
30/08/2018 0.12 EUR 56.07%
19/06/2018 0.14 EUR 63.06%
01/09/2017 0.12 EUR 45.28%
06/04/2017 0.14 EUR 53.44%
01/09/2016 0.12 EUR 46.42%
05/04/2016 0.14 EUR 58.09%
02/09/2015 0.12 EUR 43.17%
08/06/2015 0.14 EUR 40.58%
04/09/2014 0.1 EUR 34.25%
09/06/2014 0.12 EUR 41.38%
13/09/2013 0.1 EUR 45.87%
10/06/2013 0.12 EUR 53.57%
06/09/2012 0.1 EUR 45.66%
04/06/2012 0.1 EUR 48.19%
15/09/2011 0.1 EUR 49.26%
18/05/2011 0.18 EUR 71.01%
13/09/2010 0.1 EUR 36.3%
10/06/2010 0.16 EUR 63.75%

The company's dividends are calculated per 1 share of SUN HUNG K.CO.LTD. SUN HUNG K.CO.LTD dividend payout per share is shown in dollars. Dividend yield SUN HUNG K.CO.LTD - an estimated amount equal to the ratio of the amount of dividends paid for one year to the value of one share of SUN HUNG K.CO.LTD for the settlement period. Today, the dividend yield on SUN HUNG K.CO.LTD shares is 70.18 %.

Dividend yield along with changes in the value of the stock price is the main indicator of the profitability of investments. Dividend yield SUN HUNG K.CO.LTD in the past or the history of dividend yield is the main indicator of the stability of the company. The history of dividend yield for the last 20 payments is shown in the SUN HUNG K.CO.LTD dividend yield table. You will find the latest SUN HUNG K.CO.LTD dividend yield in the very first row of the table.