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Siegfried Holding AG market cap

Siegfried Holding AG volume of trade today and historical data of Siegfried Holding AG capitalization since start date of trade of SFZN.SW stocks.

Siegfried Holding AG capitalization

Today's market capitalization for Siegfried Holding AG is 2 931 183 104 Swiss franc.
+29 480 192 Fr (+1.02%)
change of capitalization since yesterday

Every day, we record a change in Siegfried Holding AG capitalization. Siegfried Holding AG capitalization, i.e. the number of outstanding shares multiplied by the share price, is shown. Siegfried Holding AG capitalization is open information. Siegfried Holding AG capitalization = 2 931 183 104 US dollars.

Siegfried Holding AG volume of trade

Today's Siegfried Holding AG volume of trade is 3 505 Swiss franc.
+1 712 Fr (+95.48%)
change of volume of trade since yesterday

Siegfried Holding AG is traded on different stock exchanges. The daily trading chart for Siegfried Holding AG is on our website. Siegfried Holding AG trading in real time helds on most stock quote exchanges, our website shows the daily trading volume of Siegfried Holding AG. The value of all Siegfried Holding AG stocks issued (Siegfried Holding AG market cap) increased by $ 29 480 192.

Siegfried Holding AG market cap chart

Siegfried Holding AG market cap chart by years. Over the month, Siegfried Holding AG capitalization has changed by 0%. 0% - Siegfried Holding AG market capitalization change for the year. Siegfried Holding AG, capitalization now - 2 931 183 104 US dollars.

Siegfried Holding AG capitalization history

Date Capitalization
Market capitalization (market cap) is the market value of a publicly traded company's outstanding shares. Market capitalization is equal to the share price multiplied by the number of shares outstanding.
04/05/2023 2 931 183 104 Fr
03/05/2023 2 901 702 912 Fr
02/05/2023 2 931 183 104 Fr
28/04/2023 2 882 751 232 Fr
27/04/2023 2 908 222 976 Fr
26/04/2023 2 842 742 272 Fr
25/04/2023 2 937 500 416 Fr

Siegfried Holding AG volume history data

Date Volume (24h)
Volume of trade of Siegfried Holding AG - total sum in US dollars for all deals with SFZN.SW stocks bought and sold during selected date.
04/05/2023 3 505 Fr
03/05/2023 1 793 Fr
02/05/2023 633 Fr
28/04/2023 1 356 Fr
27/04/2023 6 738 Fr
26/04/2023 1 426 Fr
25/04/2023 140 Fr

04/05/2023 Siegfried Holding AG market capitalization is equal to 2 931 183 104 US dollars. The market capitalization of Siegfried Holding AG at 03/05/2023 amounted to 2 901 702 912 US dollars. The market capitalization of Siegfried Holding AG at 02/05/2023 amounted to 2 931 183 104 US dollars. Siegfried Holding AG capitalization at 28/04/2023 is equal to 2 882 751 232 US dollars.

Siegfried Holding AG capitalization amounted to 2 908 222 976 US dollars at 27/04/2023. 26/04/2023 Siegfried Holding AG capitalization amounted to 2 842 742 272 US dollars. On 25/04/2023, Siegfried Holding AG market capitalization was $ 2 937 500 416.

Siegfried Holding AG capitalization is 2 931 183 104 Fr now. Market capitalization of Siegfried Holding AG changed by +1.02% since yesterday. Today's volume of trade of SFZN.SW stocks was 3 505 Fr. SFZN.SW volume of trade amount changed to +95.48% since yesterday.