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SAS AB (publ) market cap

SAS AB (publ) volume of trade today and historical data of SAS AB (publ) capitalization since start date of trade of SAS-NOK.OL stocks.

SAS AB (publ) capitalization

Today's market capitalization for SAS AB (publ) is 13 367 663 616 Norwegian krone.
+293 181 440 kr (+2.24%)
change of capitalization since yesterday

Every day, we record a change in SAS AB (publ) capitalization. SAS AB (publ) capitalization today is considered as the sum of all stock quote SAS AB (publ) coins issued. SAS AB (publ) capitalization for today on our website for reference. The value of all SAS AB (publ) stocks issued (SAS AB (publ) market cap) increased by $ 293 181 440.

SAS AB (publ) volume of trade

Today's SAS AB (publ) volume of trade is 18 389 868 Norwegian krone.
-27 586 182 kr (-60%)
change of volume of trade since yesterday

Today, SAS AB (publ) trading took place on various stocks markets. The daily trading chart for SAS AB (publ) is on our website. SAS AB (publ) trading in real time helds on most stock quote exchanges, our website shows the daily trading volume of SAS AB (publ). SAS AB (publ) market cap is going up.

SAS AB (publ) market cap chart

SAS AB (publ) capitalization on a graph by years. The change in SAS AB (publ) capitalization per month is 0%. SAS AB (publ) capitalization change for the year is 0%. Today, SAS AB (publ) capitalization is estimated at 13 367 663 616 US dollars.

SAS AB (publ) capitalization history

Date Capitalization
Market capitalization (market cap) is the market value of a publicly traded company's outstanding shares. Market capitalization is equal to the share price multiplied by the number of shares outstanding.
27/11/2020 13 367 663 616 kr
26/11/2020 13 074 482 176 kr
25/11/2020 14 301 584 384 kr
24/11/2020 15 758 083 072 kr
23/11/2020 12 619 948 032 kr
20/11/2020 11 335 590 912 kr
19/11/2020 11 264 441 344 kr

SAS AB (publ) volume history data

Date Volume (24h)
Volume of trade of SAS AB (publ) - total sum in US dollars for all deals with SAS-NOK.OL stocks bought and sold during selected date.
27/11/2020 18 389 868 kr
26/11/2020 45 976 050 kr
25/11/2020 170 486 184 kr
24/11/2020 93 117 213 kr
23/11/2020 65 500 725 kr
20/11/2020 11 512 044 kr
19/11/2020 7 913 390 kr

SAS AB (publ) capitalization is equal to 13 367 663 616 US dollars at 27/11/2020. SAS AB (publ) capitalization is equal to 13 074 482 176 US dollars at 26/11/2020. SAS AB (publ) capitalization is equal to 14 301 584 384 US dollars at 25/11/2020. SAS AB (publ) capitalization amounted to 15 758 083 072 US dollars at 24/11/2020.

The market capitalization of SAS AB (publ) at 23/11/2020 amounted to 12 619 948 032 US dollars. 20/11/2020 SAS AB (publ) capitalization is equal to 11 335 590 912 US dollars. SAS AB (publ) market capitalization is $ 11 264 441 344 at 19/11/2020.

SAS AB (publ) capitalization is 13 367 663 616 kr now. Market capitalization of SAS AB (publ) changed by +2.24% since yesterday. Today's volume of trade of SAS-NOK.OL stocks was 18 389 868 kr. SAS-NOK.OL volume of trade amount changed to -60.0012% since yesterday.