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Nyesa Valores Corporación, S.A. market cap

Nyesa Valores Corporación, S.A. volume of trade today and historical data of Nyesa Valores Corporación, S.A. capitalization since start date of trade of NYE.MC stocks.

Nyesa Valores Corporación, S.A. capitalization

Today's market capitalization for Nyesa Valores Corporación, S.A. is 5 755 187 Euro.
-489 804 € (-7.84%)
change of capitalization since yesterday

Nyesa Valores Corporación, S.A. capitalization in dollars today. Nyesa Valores Corporación, S.A. market capitalization is the sum of all Nyesa Valores Corporación, S.A. stock quotes issued. You can find out the Nyesa Valores Corporación, S.A. capitalization for today based on the trading of this stock quote on stock exchange market. Nyesa Valores Corporación, S.A., capitalization - 5 755 187 US dollars.

Nyesa Valores Corporación, S.A. volume of trade

Today's Nyesa Valores Corporación, S.A. volume of trade is 17 022 783 Euro.
-18 782 849 € (-52.46%)
change of volume of trade since yesterday

Nyesa Valores Corporación, S.A. trading volumes today totaled $ 17 022 783. The daily trading chart for Nyesa Valores Corporación, S.A. is on our website. Nyesa Valores Corporación, S.A. trading in real time helds on most stock quote exchanges, our website shows the daily trading volume of Nyesa Valores Corporación, S.A.. Nyesa Valores Corporación, S.A. capitalization drops per day in US dollars.

Nyesa Valores Corporación, S.A. market cap chart

-11.32% - a change in the market capitalization of Nyesa Valores Corporación, S.A. per week. The change in Nyesa Valores Corporación, S.A. capitalization per month is 0%. 0% per year - a change in the market capitalization of Nyesa Valores Corporación, S.A.. Today, Nyesa Valores Corporación, S.A. capitalization is equal to 5 755 187 US dollars.

Nyesa Valores Corporación, S.A. capitalization history

Date Capitalization
Market capitalization (market cap) is the market value of a publicly traded company's outstanding shares. Market capitalization is equal to the share price multiplied by the number of shares outstanding.
04/05/2023 5 755 187 €
03/05/2023 6 244 991 €
02/05/2023 5 755 187 €
28/04/2023 5 877 639 €
27/04/2023 6 122 540 €
26/04/2023 6 367 442 €
25/04/2023 6 489 892 €

Nyesa Valores Corporación, S.A. volume history data

Date Volume (24h)
Volume of trade of Nyesa Valores Corporación, S.A. - total sum in US dollars for all deals with NYE.MC stocks bought and sold during selected date.
04/05/2023 17 022 783 €
03/05/2023 35 805 632 €
02/05/2023 1 526 887 €
28/04/2023 2 437 655 €
27/04/2023 5 622 876 €
26/04/2023 401 683 €
25/04/2023 731 196 €

Nyesa Valores Corporación, S.A. capitalization in US dollars now at 04/05/2023. On 03/05/2023, Nyesa Valores Corporación, S.A. market capitalization was $ 6 244 991. Nyesa Valores Corporación, S.A. market capitalization at 02/05/2023 is equal to 5 755 187 US dollars. Nyesa Valores Corporación, S.A. capitalization amounted to 5 877 639 US dollars at 28/04/2023.

Nyesa Valores Corporación, S.A. capitalization at 27/04/2023 is equal to 6 122 540 US dollars. Nyesa Valores Corporación, S.A. capitalization is equal to 6 367 442 US dollars at 26/04/2023. Nyesa Valores Corporación, S.A. market capitalization at 25/04/2023 is equal to 6 489 892 US dollars.

Nyesa Valores Corporación, S.A. capitalization is 5 755 187 € now. Market capitalization of Nyesa Valores Corporación, S.A. changed by -7.843% since yesterday. Today's volume of trade of NYE.MC stocks was 17 022 783 €. NYE.MC volume of trade amount changed to -52.458% since yesterday.