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Nauka-telecom earnings schedule

Nauka-telecom quarterly earnings, NSVZ.ME earnings report for 2024. When does Nauka-telecom report earnings?

When does Nauka-telecom report earnings?

Nauka-telecom reports earnings every quartal, last Nauka-telecom earnings report date was 28/08/2018.

How much is Nauka-telecom earnings per share?

Nauka-telecom estimated earnings per share was 1.02 р. last time.

When is Nauka-telecom next earnings report?

Next Nauka-telecom earnings call will be in May 2024.

Nauka-telecom earnings per share of the company - one of the indicators of the company's income from the size of its value. Earnings per share - calculated value: the total profit for the reporting period is divided by the number of existing shares. Obviously, Nauka-telecom earnings per share is a variable indicator for a specific financial period. Profit of Nauka-telecom - total profit for the reporting financial period.

Nauka-telecom earnings report

Nauka-telecom quarterly earnings

Earnings per share Nauka-telecom is calculated by dividing the company's profit by the number of its shares. Earnings per share Nauka-telecom is an indicator of a certain financial interval. It is easy to guess that the financial period coincides with the publication of financial statements of profit. Nauka-telecom earnings per share for today or for the last reporting interval can be seen in the table on the top line. Quarterly profit Nauka-telecom is the most common type of financial report for financial analytics.

NSVZ.ME earnings date Estimated EPS
A company's earnings per share, or EPS, is calculated by dividing net income (or profits) to the number of company's shares.
Change for a year %
28/08/2018 1.02 RUB -
28/04/2018 -5.5 RUB -
25/08/2017 5.54 RUB -
02/05/2017 -4.13 RUB -
30/08/2016 12.38 RUB -
29/04/2016 4.74 RUB -

Nauka-telecom quarterly earnings per share is also one of the organization’s profitability indicators, although less popular than annual earnings per share. Last quarterly profit Nauka-telecom is now considered to be quarterly profit for the last closed fiscal quarter of this year. Change in profit Nauka-telecom for the year is a calculated value for additional information that shows the change in percentage of profit with the same interval of the last year. The change in quarterly profit of Nauka-telecom is a less significant value relative to the change in annual profit of Nauka-telecom.

For convenience of perception and analysis, we publish the change in profit as a percentage. The profit history of Nauka-telecom for previous years is given in our table “Quarterly profit”. Nauka-telecom quarterly earnings history is available online over the past 10 years. Nauka-telecom online profit database for past time intervals is compiled from verified official sources throughout the entire time.