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NIBE Industrier AB (publ) market cap

NIBE Industrier AB (publ) volume of trade today and historical data of NIBE Industrier AB (publ) capitalization since start date of trade of NIBE-B.ST stocks.

NIBE Industrier AB (publ) capitalization

Today's market capitalization for NIBE Industrier AB (publ) is 226 969 550 848 Swedish krona.
-2 257 600 512 kr (-0.98%)
change of capitalization since yesterday

NIBE Industrier AB (publ) market capitalization is the sum of all NIBE Industrier AB (publ) stock quotes issued. Our website takes information of NIBE Industrier AB (publ) capitalization for today from open sources. NIBE Industrier AB (publ) capitalization is calculated based on trading on stock exchange. NIBE Industrier AB (publ) market cap today is equal to 226 969 550 848 US dollars.

NIBE Industrier AB (publ) volume of trade

Today's NIBE Industrier AB (publ) volume of trade is 2 213 605 Swedish krona.
+1 055 907 kr (+91.21%)
change of volume of trade since yesterday

NIBE Industrier AB (publ) trading volumes today totaled $ 2 213 605. The daily chart of the NIBE Industrier AB (publ) trading volume is presented on our website. NIBE Industrier AB (publ) trading in real time helds on most stock quote exchanges, our website shows the daily trading volume of NIBE Industrier AB (publ). NIBE Industrier AB (publ) capitalization has decreased by $ -2 257 600 512.

NIBE Industrier AB (publ) market cap chart

NIBE Industrier AB (publ) capitalization on a graph by years. Over the week, NIBE Industrier AB (publ) capitalization has changed by -5.79%. 0% per year - a change in the market capitalization of NIBE Industrier AB (publ). NIBE Industrier AB (publ) capitalization has decreased compared to yesterday.

NIBE Industrier AB (publ) capitalization history

Date Capitalization
Market capitalization (market cap) is the market value of a publicly traded company's outstanding shares. Market capitalization is equal to the share price multiplied by the number of shares outstanding.
04/05/2023 226 969 550 848 kr
03/05/2023 229 227 151 360 kr
02/05/2023 223 279 759 360 kr
28/04/2023 231 444 840 448 kr
27/04/2023 231 344 029 696 kr
26/04/2023 234 675 863 552 kr
25/04/2023 240 923 148 288 kr

NIBE Industrier AB (publ) volume history data

Date Volume (24h)
Volume of trade of NIBE Industrier AB (publ) - total sum in US dollars for all deals with NIBE-B.ST stocks bought and sold during selected date.
04/05/2023 2 213 605 kr
03/05/2023 1 157 698 kr
02/05/2023 4 068 966 kr
28/04/2023 1 238 312 kr
27/04/2023 2 799 804 kr
26/04/2023 861 771 kr
25/04/2023 2 232 196 kr

NIBE Industrier AB (publ) capitalization is equal to 226 969 550 848 US dollars at 04/05/2023. The market capitalization of NIBE Industrier AB (publ) at 03/05/2023 amounted to 229 227 151 360 US dollars. NIBE Industrier AB (publ) capitalization at 02/05/2023 is equal to 223 279 759 360 US dollars. NIBE Industrier AB (publ) capitalization amounted to 231 444 840 448 US dollars at 28/04/2023.

NIBE Industrier AB (publ) market capitalization is $ 231 344 029 696 at 27/04/2023. NIBE Industrier AB (publ) market capitalization at 26/04/2023 is equal to 234 675 863 552 US dollars. The market capitalization of NIBE Industrier AB (publ) amounted to 240 923 148 288 US dollars at 25/04/2023.

NIBE Industrier AB (publ) capitalization is 226 969 550 848 kr now. Market capitalization of NIBE Industrier AB (publ) changed by -0.985% since yesterday. Today's volume of trade of NIBE-B.ST stocks was 2 213 605 kr. NIBE-B.ST volume of trade amount changed to +91.21% since yesterday.