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Norsk Hydro ASA (NHY.OL)

Information about Norsk Hydro ASA, NHY.OL stock data.
Stock symbol: NHY.OL
Company name: Norsk Hydro ASA
Stock exchange: Oslo Bors (OSL)
Category: Aluminum
Country: Norway
Currency: Norwegian krone (NOK)

NHY.OL is the ticker or stock symbol for Norsk Hydro ASA. You can trade Norsk Hydro ASA stocks on Oslo Bors stock exchange. Norsk Hydro ASA is a Aluminum company in Norway. Stocks of Norsk Hydro ASA trading in Norwegian krone.

Norsk Hydro ASA is a company that is traded on the world stock exchange. Information about Norsk Hydro ASA is tracked online and is taken from public sources. Each company has an official name. The name Norsk Hydro ASA is the abbreviation that is registered with a legal entity. Information about the company Norsk Hydro ASA is provided by the companies themselves, exchanges and other official sources.

Information about Norsk Hydro ASA is displayed on our website online from public sources. In this section of the site, only a small part of the reference information about Norsk Hydro ASA is displayed. The ticker of NHY.OL is the name of the company on the exchange for the unique identification of Norsk Hydro ASA. NHY.OL stock ticker is a unique identifier for Norsk Hydro ASA on the main exchange specified in the directory and, possibly, on other exchanges too.

Norsk Hydro ASA trading volumes on other stock exchanges are usually less than on the main Oslo Bors. As a rule, the head office of the company is located in this country. Norsk Hydro ASA is now registered in Norway. Information about the country Norsk Hydro ASA is collected from official sources.

The current reporting currency of Norsk Hydro ASA is Norwegian krone. The reporting currency of the company is usually national, i.e. corresponds to the country where the registered company. For international companies, currency reporting is usually a dollar. Diversified companies usually have several official websites.

Web sites of large companies can be faked or copied. Knowing the official website of Norsk Hydro ASA gives you the understanding that you are working with this company. The general manager of the company is its official head. The name of the head of Norsk Hydro ASA we get from open sources online.