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Kush Bottles, Inc. earnings schedule

Kush Bottles, Inc. quarterly earnings, KSHB earnings report for 2024. When does Kush Bottles, Inc. report earnings?

When does Kush Bottles, Inc. report earnings?

Kush Bottles, Inc. reports earnings every quartal, last Kush Bottles, Inc. earnings report date was 31/05/2021.

How much is Kush Bottles, Inc. earnings per share?

Kush Bottles, Inc. estimated earnings per share was -0.05 $ last time.

When is Kush Bottles, Inc. next earnings report?

Next Kush Bottles, Inc. earnings call will be in August 2024.

Kush Bottles, Inc. earnings per share - the financial characteristics of the company on the size of its value. Earnings per share - calculated value: the total profit for the reporting period is divided by the number of existing shares. Kush Bottles, Inc. earnings per share are calculated for each financial interval. Profit of Kush Bottles, Inc. - the entire profit of the company in the reporting period.

Kush Bottles, Inc. earnings report

Kush Bottles, Inc. quarterly earnings

Earnings per share Kush Bottles, Inc. is calculated according to the formula: net income divided by the total number of shares in the company. Earnings per share of Kush Bottles, Inc. is determined for a fixed financial period and corresponds to the outputs of the financial statements on the company's profit. Kush Bottles, Inc. earnings per share for the most recent period are on the graph in the rightmost column. Kush Bottles, Inc. quarterly earnings for financial analytics is the main interim report for the financial year.

KSHB earnings date Estimated EPS
A company's earnings per share, or EPS, is calculated by dividing net income (or profits) to the number of company's shares.
Change for a year %
31/05/2021 -0.05 USD -
28/02/2021 -0.04 USD -
30/11/2020 -0.03 USD -
31/08/2020 -0.06 USD -

Kush Bottles, Inc. quarterly earnings per share is a measure of the company's profitability. But it is less demanded than the profit for the year on one share. Last quarterly profit Kush Bottles, Inc. today is the officially declared profit for the last reference quarter. Change in profit Kush Bottles, Inc. for the year is a calculated value for additional information that shows the change in percentage of profit with the same interval of the last year. The change in quarterly profit of Kush Bottles, Inc. is a less significant value relative to the change in annual profit of Kush Bottles, Inc..

The change in profit is shown as a percentage. The profit history of Kush Bottles, Inc. for the past years and reporting periods is in the table “Quarterly profit”. Kush Bottles, Inc. quarterly earnings history is available online over the past 10 years. The database of profit for the past year and other periods of Kush Bottles, Inc. is compiled from public sources.