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Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated (JLL)

Jones Lang LaSalle Inc provides a range of real estate-related services including leasing, property and project management, and capital markets advisory to owners, occupiers, and investors worldwide.
Stock symbol: JLL
Company name: Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated
Stock exchange: New York Stock Exchange (NYQ)
Category: Real Estate, Property Management, Real Estate Services
Country: United States
Currency: US dollar (USD)
CEO: Christian Ulbrich

JLL is the ticker or stock symbol for Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated. You can trade Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated stocks on NYSE stock exchange. Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated is a Real Estate, Property Management, Real Estate Services company in United States. Stocks of Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated trading in dollars.

Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated is a company that is traded on the world stock exchange. Information about Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated is tracked online and is taken from public sources. Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated company - or simply Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated - is the name of an officially registered legal entity. Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated operates mainly in the country of registration.

Information about Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated is tracked online from publicly available sources. Here is only a brief background information about Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated. Ticker JLL - a short conditional name for Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated in exchange information. NYSE Stock Exchange is the name of the main exchange where the company is traded.

Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated can also be traded on other exchanges other than NYSE, but, as a rule, the volume of these trades is less than on the main stock exchange. In most cases, the main office of the company is located in the country of registration. Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated is now registered in United States. Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated country information is tracked online.

The currency of the company Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated, in which the financial balance of the company is maintained, is US dollar. The currency of a company's financial statements will almost always be the national currency of its country. For international companies, currency reporting is usually a dollar. Companies may have more than one official website.

Web sites of well-known companies are sometimes faked or most similarly copied. Work only with the official website of the organization to be sure that you are in contact with this company. The general manager of the company is its official head. The name of the head of Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated we get from open sources online.