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GUI.DE live price

Diageo plc stock price real-time, GUI.DE stock live, GUI.DE live market watch.
Diageo plc stock today at May 08, 2024, 22:28

GUI.DE = 42.2 EUR
Refresh: GUI.DE live price

Last trading price for GUI.DE stocks is 42.2 EUR on XETRA Stock Exchange stock exchange traded at 06/01/2023 16:30. Closing price of Diageo plc stocks was Euro. Opening price for stocks of Diageo plc was 41.6 Euro at 06/01/2023 08:04. Highest price of GUI.DE stock was 42.2 €. Lowest price of GUI.DE stock was 41 €.

The price of 1 share of Diageo plc in Euro at the stocks exchange portal = 42.20 EUR. The online Diageo plc stock price now from The instant Diageo plc stock price in Euro price. The value of share of Diageo plc in Euro now and at different times.

On our website you can find a chart of Diageo plc stock price in Euro on May 08, 2024. On the chart, you quickly see the rise or fall of the stock quote. The exact Diageo plc stock qoute on the chart can be found out if you hover over it. The Diageo plc stock quote graph is updated constantly, as our site receives data from

Changes in the Diageo plc stock price in Euro can be watched every minute. The dynamics of the stock price of Diageo plc (GUI.DE) in Euro at this minute is - 0.40 EUR. The table shows the stock price of Diageo plc in Euro every minute. The values of the stock price of Diageo plc per minute are placed in the table so that it is convenient to see the difference.

Every hour we trace the stock price. Changes in the stock price of Diageo plc (GUI.DE) in Euro at this hour. The site shows a table for posting 10 hours of the stock price of Diageo plc in Euro for each hour. The quotation of the Diageo plc per hour are placed in the table so that it is convenient to see the difference.