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Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC market cap

Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC volume of trade today and historical data of Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC capitalization since start date of trade of FTAI stocks.

Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC capitalization

Today's market capitalization for Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC is 2 786 921 216 US dollar.
+38 245 888 $ (+1.39%)
change of capitalization since yesterday

A change in the market capitalization of Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC our website captures once a day. Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC capitalization today is considered as the sum of all stock quote Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC coins issued. Our website takes information of Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC capitalization for today from open sources. Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC, capitalization - 2 786 921 216 US dollars.

Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC volume of trade

Today's Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC volume of trade is 335 318 US dollar.
+325 380 $ (+3 274.10%)
change of volume of trade since yesterday

Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC trading volumes today totaled $ 335 318. The daily trading chart for Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC is on our website. Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC trading helds on many stock quote exchanges in real time, we show the daily trading volume of Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC. Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC market cap was lower yesterday.

Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC market cap chart

Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC capitalization on a graph by years. The change in Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC capitalization per month is 0%. Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC capitalization change for the year is 0%. Today, Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC capitalization is equal to 2 786 921 216 US dollars.

Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC capitalization history

Date Capitalization
Market capitalization (market cap) is the market value of a publicly traded company's outstanding shares. Market capitalization is equal to the share price multiplied by the number of shares outstanding.
03/05/2023 2 786 921 216 $
02/05/2023 2 748 675 328 $
01/05/2023 2 789 414 400 $
28/04/2023 2 841 273 600 $
27/04/2023 2 813 349 376 $
26/04/2023 2 759 495 936 $
25/04/2023 2 687 691 264 $

Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC volume history data

Date Volume (24h)
Volume of trade of Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC - total sum in US dollars for all deals with FTAI stocks bought and sold during selected date.
03/05/2023 335 318 $
02/05/2023 9 938 $
01/05/2023 527 009 $
28/04/2023 366 991 $
27/04/2023 2 170 428 $
26/04/2023 1 475 413 $
25/04/2023 1 859 828 $

Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC market capitalization at 03/05/2023 is equal to 2 786 921 216 US dollars. Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC capitalization at 02/05/2023 is equal to 2 748 675 328 US dollars. The market capitalization of Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC at 01/05/2023 amounted to 2 789 414 400 US dollars. Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC capitalization at 28/04/2023 amounted to 2 841 273 600 US dollars.

27/04/2023 Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC capitalization amounted to 2 813 349 376 US dollars. Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC market capitalization is $ 2 759 495 936 at 26/04/2023. The market capitalization of Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC amounted to 2 687 691 264 US dollars at 25/04/2023.

Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC capitalization is 2 786 921 216 $ now. Market capitalization of Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC changed by +1.39% since yesterday. Today's volume of trade of FTAI stocks was 335 318 $. FTAI volume of trade amount changed to +3 274.100% since yesterday.