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Chennai Ferrous Industries Limited ratings

Chennai Ferrous Industries Limited stock ratings worldwide, in India and on BSE stock exchange.

Chennai Ferrous Industries Limited ratings worldwide

Chennai Ferrous Industries Limited ratings are compiled on the website in real time. All ratings of Chennai Ferrous Industries Limited are taken from open, trusted sources. Each rating has its own meaning and meaning. See and analyze all ratings of Chennai Ferrous Industries Limited in real time. It's free.

Chennai Ferrous Industries Limited ratings in India

Chennai Ferrous Industries Limited in the world ranking is a rating by financial indicators among companies around the world. The world rating is compiled for very large companies that have a decent weight in the global economy. The ratings of Chennai Ferrous Industries Limited in India are the main ratings among the companies of their country. The national rating of Chennai Ferrous Industries Limited is the second most important after the world rating.

Chennai Ferrous Industries Limited ratings on BSE

Chennai Ferrous Industries Limited stock ratings on are more detailed.Rating Chennai Ferrous Industries Limited company capitalization is a rating based on the sum of the value of all company shares. Companies with higher shares have higher ratings and are more expensive. It is not difficult to guess that the top of the capitalization rating indicates that this is one of the most expensive companies.

Chennai Ferrous Industries Limited is #11 in rating Stock price grown in a year Worldwide. Chennai Ferrous Industries Limited is #54 in rating Stock price grown in 3 years Worldwide. Chennai Ferrous Industries Limited is #9 in rating Stock price grown in a year in India. Chennai Ferrous Industries Limited is #23 in rating Stock price grown in 3 years in India. Chennai Ferrous Industries Limited is #9 in rating Stock price grown in a year on BSE. Chennai Ferrous Industries Limited is #23 in rating Stock price grown in 3 years on BSE.

Chennai Ferrous Industries Limited “Earnings per Share” rating is calculated after determining earnings per share upon publication of a financial report on the company's earnings. “Earnings per share” is the name of the stock market parameter corresponding to the amount of income in terms of the number of shares of the company for a certain accounting interval. The “earnings per share” rating is higher if the company's earnings per share are greater.

The total income of the company in a certain accounting interval forms the basis of the Chennai Ferrous Industries Limited Net Income rating. The company's income or profit for the Net Income rating does not consider the total number of shares of the company and their value. Those companies whose profits are the most by absolute value and are at the top of the Net Income rating list.