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Canopy Growth Corporation (CGC)

Canopy Growth Corp through its subsidiaries is the licensed producer of medical marijuana in Canada. The company grows, produces and sells medical marijuana. It sells medical marijuana under various brand names including Tweed, Bedrocan, and Mettrum.
Stock symbol: CGC
Company name: Canopy Growth Corporation
Stock exchange: New York Stock Exchange (ASE)
Country: United States
Currency: US dollar (USD)
CEO: Bruce Linton

CGC is the ticker or stock symbol for Canopy Growth Corporation. You can trade Canopy Growth Corporation stocks on NYSE Market (Amex) stock exchange. Canopy Growth Corporation headquarters based in United States. Stocks of Canopy Growth Corporation trading in dollars.

Background information on Canopy Growth Corporation on this web page is compiled by The information on Canopy Growth Corporation shown here is a collection and verified information from reliable online sources. Canopy Growth Corporation company - or simply Canopy Growth Corporation - is the name of an officially registered legal entity. Canopy Growth Corporation assets are listed on the stock market.

Information about the company Canopy Growth Corporation is provided by the companies themselves, exchanges and other official sources. The page shows a brief background information about Canopy Growth Corporation. A stock ticker is a unique identifier for this company for one exchange. The ticker of the shares of the Canopy Growth Corporation organization is the identifier of the information system of the leading exchange specified in the directory, which uniquely identifies the Canopy Growth Corporation organization.

Canopy Growth Corporation can also be traded on other exchanges other than NYSE Market (Amex), but, as a rule, the volume of these trades is less than on the main stock exchange. Country Canopy Growth Corporation is the main country of the company. The head office pays taxes in this country. Canopy Growth Corporation is now registered in United States. Information about the country Canopy Growth Corporation is collected from official sources.

The current reporting currency of Canopy Growth Corporation is US dollar. The currency of a company's financial statements will almost always be the national currency of its country. For international companies, currency reporting is usually a dollar. Diversified companies usually have several official websites.

Web sites of well-known companies are sometimes faked or most similarly copied. Knowing the official website of Canopy Growth Corporation gives you the understanding that you are working with this company. The main manager is the official position of the head of the company. Information about the leader of Canopy Growth Corporation is taken from open sources and tracked online.