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AGROB Immobilien AG (AGR.MU)

Information about AGROB Immobilien AG, AGR.MU stock data.
Stock symbol: AGR.MU
Company name: AGROB Immobilien AG
Stock exchange: Munich (MUN)
Country: Germany
Currency: Euro (EUR)

AGR.MU is the ticker or stock symbol for AGROB Immobilien AG. You can trade AGROB Immobilien AG stocks on Munich stock exchange. AGROB Immobilien AG headquarters based in Germany. Stocks of AGROB Immobilien AG trading in Euro.

AGROB Immobilien AG is a commercial organization whose shares are quoted on stock exchanges. The information on AGROB Immobilien AG shown here is a collection and verified information from reliable online sources. AGROB Immobilien AG is the officially registered name of the organization today. AGROB Immobilien AG Company. The main place for paying taxes is the country of registration.

Information about the company AGROB Immobilien AG is provided by the companies themselves, exchanges and other official sources. The page shows a brief background information about AGROB Immobilien AG. Ticker AGR.MU - a short name in the exchange information of quoted instruments: stocks, bonds, indices of AGROB Immobilien AG. AGR.MU stock ticker is a unique identifier for AGROB Immobilien AG on the main exchange specified in the directory and, possibly, on other exchanges too.

AGROB Immobilien AG may also be traded on other exchanges. Typically, the volume of these trades is less than on the main Munich stock exchange. Country AGROB Immobilien AG is the main country of the company. The head office pays taxes in this country. Usually the main office of the company is located in this country. The country of the company AGROB Immobilien AG is tracked in real time.

The current reporting currency of AGROB Immobilien AG is Euro. The company currency is usually the national currency of the country in which the company is registered. For international companies, currency reporting is usually a dollar. Large companies often have many websites.

Web sites of well-known companies are sometimes faked or most similarly copied. Knowing the official website of AGROB Immobilien AG gives you the understanding that you are working with this company. The general manager of the company is its official head. Information about the chief manager of AGROB Immobilien AG is publicly available in open sources.