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ÅF AB (publ) market cap

ÅF AB (publ) volume of trade today and historical data of ÅF AB (publ) capitalization since start date of trade of AF-B.ST stocks.

ÅF AB (publ) capitalization

Today's market capitalization for ÅF AB (publ) is 31 337 121 792 Swedish krona.
+113 295 360 kr (+0.36%)
change of capitalization since yesterday

ÅF AB (publ) capitalization is updated once a day. ÅF AB (publ) market capitalization is the sum of all ÅF AB (publ) stock quotes issued. ÅF AB (publ) capitalization is calculated based on trading on stock exchange. ÅF AB (publ), capitalization - 31 337 121 792 US dollars.

ÅF AB (publ) volume of trade

Today's ÅF AB (publ) volume of trade is 12 781 Swedish krona.
-3 258 kr (-20.31%)
change of volume of trade since yesterday

ÅF AB (publ) trading volumes today totaled $ 12 781. ÅF AB (publ) trading takes place on various stock quote exchanges. The daily trading chart for ÅF AB (publ) is on our website. ÅF AB (publ) market cap increased by $ 113 295 360.

ÅF AB (publ) market cap chart

ÅF AB (publ) capitalization on a graph by years. -0.65% per week - a change in the market capitalization of ÅF AB (publ). 0% per year - a change in the market capitalization of ÅF AB (publ). ÅF AB (publ) market cap is going up.

ÅF AB (publ) capitalization history

Date Capitalization
Market capitalization (market cap) is the market value of a publicly traded company's outstanding shares. Market capitalization is equal to the share price multiplied by the number of shares outstanding.
22/06/2021 31 337 121 792 kr
21/06/2021 31 223 826 432 kr
18/06/2021 31 812 954 112 kr
17/06/2021 31 613 046 784 kr
16/06/2021 31 790 297 088 kr
15/06/2021 32 016 885 760 kr
14/06/2021 31 541 049 344 kr

ÅF AB (publ) volume history data

Date Volume (24h)
Volume of trade of ÅF AB (publ) - total sum in US dollars for all deals with AF-B.ST stocks bought and sold during selected date.
22/06/2021 12 781 kr
21/06/2021 16 039 kr
18/06/2021 71 510 kr
17/06/2021 25 330 kr
16/06/2021 13 852 kr
15/06/2021 5 206 kr
14/06/2021 69 865 kr

ÅF AB (publ) capitalization at 22/06/2021 is equal to 31 337 121 792 US dollars. The market capitalization of ÅF AB (publ) at 21/06/2021 amounted to 31 223 826 432 US dollars. ÅF AB (publ) capitalization is equal to 31 812 954 112 US dollars at 18/06/2021. On 17/06/2021, ÅF AB (publ) market capitalization was $ 31 613 046 784.

On 16/06/2021, ÅF AB (publ) market capitalization was $ 31 790 297 088. The market capitalization of ÅF AB (publ) amounted to 32 016 885 760 US dollars at 15/06/2021. ÅF AB (publ) market capitalization at 14/06/2021 is equal to 31 541 049 344 US dollars.

ÅF AB (publ) capitalization is 31 337 121 792 kr now. Market capitalization of ÅF AB (publ) changed by +0.36% since yesterday. Today's volume of trade of AF-B.ST stocks was 12 781 kr. AF-B.ST volume of trade amount changed to -20.313% since yesterday.