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China National Chemical Engineering Co.,Ltd earnings schedule

China National Chemical Engineering Co.,Ltd quarterly earnings, 601117.SS earnings report for 2024. When does China National Chemical Engineering Co.,Ltd report earnings?

When does China National Chemical Engineering Co.,Ltd report earnings?

China National Chemical Engineering Co.,Ltd reports earnings every quartal, last China National Chemical Engineering Co.,Ltd earnings report date was 30/09/2017.

How much is China National Chemical Engineering Co.,Ltd earnings per share?

China National Chemical Engineering Co.,Ltd estimated earnings per share was 0.09 ¥ last time.

When is China National Chemical Engineering Co.,Ltd next earnings report?

Next China National Chemical Engineering Co.,Ltd earnings call will be in December 2024.

China National Chemical Engineering Co.,Ltd earnings per share of the company - one of the indicators of the company's income from the size of its value. Earnings per share - calculated value: the total profit for the reporting period is divided by the number of existing shares. China National Chemical Engineering Co.,Ltd earnings per share are calculated for each financial interval. Profit of China National Chemical Engineering Co.,Ltd - the entire profit of the company in the reporting period.

China National Chemical Engineering Co.,Ltd earnings report

China National Chemical Engineering Co.,Ltd quarterly earnings

Earnings per share China National Chemical Engineering Co.,Ltd is calculated by dividing the company's profit by the number of its shares. Earnings per share of China National Chemical Engineering Co.,Ltd is considered for a certain financial period as well as financial reports on the company's total profit are issued. China National Chemical Engineering Co.,Ltd earnings per share for the most recent period are on the graph in the rightmost column. Quarterly profit China National Chemical Engineering Co.,Ltd is the most common type of financial report for financial analytics.

601117.SS earnings date Estimated EPS
A company's earnings per share, or EPS, is calculated by dividing net income (or profits) to the number of company's shares.
Change for a year %
30/09/2017 0.09 CNY -
30/06/2017 0.11 CNY -
31/03/2017 0.06 CNY -
31/12/2016 0.07 CNY -

China National Chemical Engineering Co.,Ltd quarterly earnings per share is also one of the organization’s profitability indicators, although less popular than annual earnings per share. Last quarterly profit China National Chemical Engineering Co.,Ltd today is the officially declared profit for the last reference quarter. The change in profit of China National Chemical Engineering Co.,Ltd for the year is calculated in comparison with the same financial period as the current indicator only for the previous year. A change in China National Chemical Engineering Co.,Ltd quarterly profit compared to last year may be significant for companies with a seasonal business. But the main indicator of the company's profitability is the annual change in profit.

The dynamics of the company's profit is displayed as a percentage. The profit history of China National Chemical Engineering Co.,Ltd for the past years and reporting periods is in the table “Quarterly profit”. China National Chemical Engineering Co.,Ltd quarterly earnings history database is visible online over the past decade. China National Chemical Engineering Co.,Ltd online profit database for past time intervals is compiled from verified official sources throughout the entire time.