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MYLAN NV MYLAN ORD SHS volume of trade today and historical data of MYLAN NV MYLAN ORD SHS capitalization since start date of trade of 0R5P.L stocks.

MYLAN NV MYLAN ORD SHS capitalization

Today's market capitalization for MYLAN NV MYLAN ORD SHS is 7 919 202 304 US dollar.
-82 436 608 $ (-1.03%)
change of capitalization since yesterday

MYLAN NV MYLAN ORD SHS capitalization online today in dollars. Information of MYLAN NV MYLAN ORD SHS capitalization is taken from open sources. Information of the capitalization of MYLAN NV MYLAN ORD SHS is for reference only. MYLAN NV MYLAN ORD SHS, capitalization - 7 919 202 304 US dollars.

MYLAN NV MYLAN ORD SHS volume of trade

Today's MYLAN NV MYLAN ORD SHS volume of trade is 2 738 US dollar.
+140 $ (+5.39%)
change of volume of trade since yesterday

MYLAN NV MYLAN ORD SHS is traded on different stock exchanges. The daily trading chart for MYLAN NV MYLAN ORD SHS is on our website. MYLAN NV MYLAN ORD SHS trading in real time helds on most stock quote exchanges, our website shows the daily trading volume of MYLAN NV MYLAN ORD SHS. MYLAN NV MYLAN ORD SHS capitalization has decreased by $ -82 436 608.

MYLAN NV MYLAN ORD SHS market cap chart

3.41% per week - a change in the market capitalization of MYLAN NV MYLAN ORD SHS. Over the month, MYLAN NV MYLAN ORD SHS capitalization has changed by 0%. 0% per year - a change in the market capitalization of MYLAN NV MYLAN ORD SHS. The market capitalization of MYLAN NV MYLAN ORD SHS is now equal to 7 919 202 304 US dollars.

MYLAN NV MYLAN ORD SHS capitalization history

Date Capitalization
Market capitalization (market cap) is the market value of a publicly traded company's outstanding shares. Market capitalization is equal to the share price multiplied by the number of shares outstanding.
16/11/2020 7 919 202 304 $
13/11/2020 8 001 638 912 $
03/11/2020 7 877 546 496 $
02/11/2020 7 726 936 576 $
30/10/2020 7 508 101 632 $
28/10/2020 7 337 255 424 $
27/10/2020 7 657 939 456 $

MYLAN NV MYLAN ORD SHS volume history data

Date Volume (24h)
Volume of trade of MYLAN NV MYLAN ORD SHS - total sum in US dollars for all deals with 0R5P.L stocks bought and sold during selected date.
16/11/2020 2 738 $
13/11/2020 2 598 $
03/11/2020 1 511 $
02/11/2020 20 000 $
30/10/2020 3 480 $
28/10/2020 1 450 $
27/10/2020 20 000 $

MYLAN NV MYLAN ORD SHS capitalization at 16/11/2020 is equal to 7 919 202 304 US dollars. MYLAN NV MYLAN ORD SHS capitalization at 13/11/2020 amounted to 8 001 638 912 US dollars. 03/11/2020 MYLAN NV MYLAN ORD SHS capitalization is equal to 7 877 546 496 US dollars. On 02/11/2020, MYLAN NV MYLAN ORD SHS market capitalization was $ 7 726 936 576.

MYLAN NV MYLAN ORD SHS capitalization amounted to 7 508 101 632 US dollars at 30/10/2020. MYLAN NV MYLAN ORD SHS market capitalization at 28/10/2020 is equal to 7 337 255 424 US dollars. 27/10/2020 MYLAN NV MYLAN ORD SHS capitalization amounted to 7 657 939 456 US dollars.

MYLAN NV MYLAN ORD SHS capitalization is 7 919 202 304 $ now. Market capitalization of MYLAN NV MYLAN ORD SHS changed by -1.03025% since yesterday. Today's volume of trade of 0R5P.L stocks was 2 738 $. 0R5P.L volume of trade amount changed to +5.39% since yesterday.